Наташа Тарр
Блог художника
Я Наташа Тарр - приветствую Вас на странице моего блога. Здесь я публикую свежие фото и тексты моих проектов от первого лица. Я надеюсь вам тоже будет интересно.

Love & crime
"love & crime" стал для меня большим проектом, который растянулся на несколько лет. Работы из этого объемного проекта на выставках отзывались самым неожиданным образом, и зрители своим опытом нередко подсказывали мне путь дальнейшего развития. Так на свет явились ткани с моими розами. При очень большом содействии Елены Посоховой я побывала на маленькой жаккардовой фабрике в Испании.

The history of Marine Biology
Just over a month later, on February 24, 1831, the expedition sighted bare mountain tops through the ocean ice. Biscoe correctly surmised that they were part of a continent and named the area Enderby Land in honour of his patrons. On February 28, a headland was spotted, which Biscoe named Cape Ann; the mountain atop the headland would later be named Mount Biscoe.

Сначала было слово. Символично для меня, что мой первый выставочный проект был о слове, о букве.

Marine biology is the scientific study of organisms in the ocean or other marine or brackish bodies of water. Given that in biology many phyla, families and genera have some species that live in the sea and others that live on land, marine biology classifies species based on the environment rather than on taxonomy. Marine biology differs from marine ecology as marine ecology is focused on how organisms interact with each other and the environment, while biology is the study of the organisms themselves.
Can the ocean save our planet?
Just over a month later, on February 24, 1831, the expedition sighted bare mountain tops through the ocean ice. Biscoe correctly surmised that they were part of a continent and named the area Enderby Land in honor of his patrons. On February 28, a headland was spotted, which Biscoe named Cape Ann; the mountain atop the headland would later be named Mount Biscoe.

Biscoe kept the expedition in the area while he began to chart the coastline, but after a month his and his crews' health were deteriorating. The expedition set sail toward Australia, reaching Hobart, Tasmania in May, but not before two crew members had died from scurvy.